My Experiences/Tips For Starting Uni

I'm soon returning back to uni, and thought I'd give you some of my experiences I had in first year, and some tips for you freshers. These are just some of the things that I think will help, so feel free to adapt them to suit yourselves!

1. Join a society/club
I was so busy during first year working that I never really had the time to join a society. The only one I went to was a cheerleading group, which was actually quite fun! I met a few new friends, but didn't really have the time to travel to the venue each week as it was no where near where I lived. A tip for you guys is to actually join a society you like, that you'll go to, since you'll have lots more fun and probably meet new friends, since starting uni can be quite scary yet exciting. There are so many, you can even start one of your own.

2. Go to your lectures
Although for most courses, first year doesn't actually count, it's best if you try and aim for the best results possible. Coming from an asian family, failing is not an option (haha), so although I did slack off a bit during semester 2, I actually worked decently hard. It's important that you turn up because some of the lectures online don't show what lecturers say in depth, so you miss out a lot of detail. If you're like me, and want to do a placement, this is especially important as a lot of places ask for you expected grade (2:1 or above). So although I say work hard, do remember to have some fun as the hard work will be in the next few years.

3. Don't spend all your student loan
I find myself tempted to go shopping all the time, but in reality I'm actually quite good with finances. It's useful if you plan a budget, like groceries, the odd meal out with friends, and travel. If you plan ahead you won't use all your money at once! This is important since student finance only comes in per term, so you don't want to be broke (and crying) until your next payment. Make sure to save some money for a good night out too! But definitely be sensible and don't spend it all on alcohol (although you want to). A big thing to look out for is if you're in halls be careful what you buy since a lot of people will steal your food (mainly milk), so don't buy the most expensive things. I knew people who hid a lot of food in their rooms, such as sauces, canned food and snacks.

4. Step out of your comfort zone
I see myself as quite friendly, and so talking to new people wasn't that difficult. A lot of people are in the same position as yourself, and it's quite scary knowing no one when you first start. So what I did was say hi and initiate conversation with people, I stepped out my comfort zone and started to make new friends. Even if half the people you talk to, you probably won't remember their names after freshers week, you'll probably connect to a few good friends and who knows, you might even end up becoming flat mates the next year (this is what happened to me)

5. Don't stress yourself
Yes assignments are important, but make sure you don't over stress yourself. I remember being ill and still turning up for uni, sometimes I have to remind myself that I need a break too. I attended most labs as these can't really be missed, but when you have to, don't stress yourself! Get a friend to collect your notes, or email the lecturer, I'm pretty sure they're really helpful.

6. Just have fun
No matter what you do, have fun! I remember working at Selfridges and didn't quite enjoy it, which really impacted on uni life for me. I only actually began enjoying uni after working for Harvey Nichols, where I met some really nice people. I did have other problems that added to this, but I had a lot of supportive friends who were all so lovely and they helped me enjoy my first year! So remember, whatever you do, remember uni only lasts for a few years, so enjoy it whilst you can.

7. Make time for your friends and family
I had quite a few friends before I moved to Manchester, and I've become a lot closer to them! I've even made really good new friends too. Uni can sometimes be hectic (even though your timetable is quite free), we're all busy sometimes, but remember not to neglect your friends and family as they're going to be one of the most important people in your life, and time cannot be rewinded. A simple quick call to your loved ones can be all it takes.

8. Make use of your spare time
So, I started this blog when I had a bit too much time at uni, it's a great hobby, I'm just starting out as a newbie blogger, but I enjoy it. I may not be the next Zoella, but at least I'm doing something I like and I'm making use of time by being productive. I know sometimes it's probably the best thing just to relax, watch netflix and pamper yourself. But remember, not to waste too much time at uni doing nothing, and instead go to the gym perhaps, make plans with friends, or go out shopping. Just don't be too lazy, I know we all want to, but being productive is a lot more fun. For example, getting a part time job, or some work experience will really help in the future!

Here are just some of the tips I think will help when you transition to uni, let me know what your first year was like! I really hope this helps, and you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed typing this.
Big love to all you readers, and to all my friends!



  1. Can you join a cheerleading group if you have no gymnastics/dance experience :/?

    1. Yeah it's fine! I literally went with no previous experience, it was pretty fun, but if you want to be part of the team you'll just need to put in lots of work and be committed! Either way, I think it's a good sport and good way to meet people.

  2. great tips! looks like you know Mandy too - small world :)


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