Make your own lip scrub!

Everyone hates dry lips, especially when it's flaky and ruins our lipsticks. But worry no more, I'm going to teach you a simple and quick way to make your lips feel smooth again!

What you will need:

  • Demerara sugar
  • Honey/petroleum jelly
  • A small pot/jar
Time to make: less than 2 minutes

First, ensure you have a clean small jar that you can keep your lip scrub in. Then pour in about 3/4 full of Demerara sugar, before squeezing in a drop or two of honey. Mix the ingredients together, add more honey if you want a smoother lip scrub, or more sugar if you need a stronger exfoliater. If you want, you can also use petroleum jelly as an alternative, or even add colouring so that it looks similar to the Lush lip exfoliaters.
Once, you've achieved the desired consistency, you're done! Just keep your jar somewhere safe for whenever your lips need smoothing.
There are so many different types and ingredients you can use, let me know what you like.
To finish off, wash, and just apply some lip balm.
Just don't eat it, because it smells so yummy.

Thank you again for reading! I'll be posting more soon.
Lots of love, 


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